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Wandering Wolf Soapworks

Veteran Owned Handcrafted Soapworks
Photo of Wandering Wolf Soapworks


We make handmade soaps, body products, and wax melts. We are huge fans of nature, and being surrounded by it’s beauty. Because of this, we tend to orient most of our product names towards the great outdoors. As we like to think of it – places, things, or people that the Wandering Wolf would encounter along their travels.

We started this journey in the beginning of 2022 and it has proved to be such a rewarding experience; chalked full of hard work, dedication, and passion. We are well in our infancy of owning our small business, and cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us.

We lovingly make all of our products in small batches. We are both huge fans of nature, and being surrounded by it’s beauty. Because of this, we tend to orient most of our product names towards the great outdoors. As we like to think of it – places, things, or people that the Wandering Wolf would encounter along their travels.

We have been married since September of 2020, and call the Central Valley of California our home. I personally served in the U.S. Army National Guard from 2007 to 2015, with one deployment to Iraq in 2011. We both work full time jobs, so fitting Wandering Wolf into our schedules is a labor of love for us. We truly enjoy being able to bring these creations to life for you all, and it brings so much joy when we are able to share them with you!


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